Long the leader in the smoothest, tastiest non-dairy desserts, Cosmic Bliss came to us fresh on the heels of a rebrand and on the precipice of launching their grass-fed ice cream lines. The task? A new web experience as sweet as the products it touts.
Modern Restaurant Concepts
We turned the pandemic into a rapid deployment beta test and came out on top.
While optimizing and building a brand new stack for modernmarket.com, the entire world changed. COVID-19 closed the country and we shifted Modern Market’s main source of revenue online.What We Did
Innovation often comes when nobody expected it. While optimizing and building a brand new stack for modernmarket.com, the entire world changed. COVID-19 closed the country but people still wanted Smoky Chicken Bowls and plates of Overnight Braised Beef.
COVID-19 shut down the world. So ModernMarket and LemonadeLA needed to shift their main source of revenue online – and fast.
Every office has a lot of dead screens–TVs and monitors that aren’t being used.
Unify the digital experiences of both restaurants with rapid deployments and update sprints.
Online Revenue Increased
Revenue Goals Hit
Feature and Update Sprints

Despite the difficult and unpredictable conditions, both restaurants thrived – seeing positive comp sales even when dining rooms were closed.